Photo : Ilustration
Once Abu Daud once said, "Among the fruits that the Prophet favored were Wine and Melon."
Why did the Prophet Muhammad like this fruit so much? Because melons can relieve the heat. So not just freshness that can be bowed. The Prophet Muhammad usually eats melon along with fresh dates, as he says, "One throws out the heat, the other chases away the cold." (Hadith History of Tirmidhi).
There is also a famous hadith attributed to Ibnu Abbas, which states that melons are food and drink, and smells of smell. He washes the bladder, cleans the stomach, increases the spinal fluid, helps sexual intercourse, clear vision and stop the cold. However, the nature of this trait may only exist in the yellow melon.
In medical science, it is not just the sweet taste that can be obtained from melons, but many uses and vitamins contained this fruit. Type of green melon is cold and wet, while the yellow tends to heat. If used as eye drops, melons can make eyes glow and sharpen eyesight. It is also a diuretic and can help remove stains on the face. So naturally, if then a lot of cosmetic production that uses melon as a basic ingredient of beauty.
The fruit also helps to remove stones in the kidneys and bladder. It also serves as a laxative for every liquid that happens to be in the stomach. Another usefulness is to relieve the heat in the stomach and mineral content can eliminate acidity in the body and cure constipation. If the meat is cooked with yellow melon skin, it will be soft.
Melons that meet health standards and are worth eating should be fresh, when it is rotting it will cause illness. If eaten after starting to rot, he must be removed from the body, because in such circumstances he is bad and poisonous. If there is pain of heat then the medicine is oxymel (syrup made from a mixture of honey and vinegar), if cold the medicine is ginger. Thus, eating melon fruit means we also take care of the health itself as what is exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad
Shallallahu ‘Alaihi Wa Sallam....